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Seite 1? Copyright 2005 DEHN + S?HNE GmbH + Co. KG Hans-Dehn-Str. 1 Postfach 1640 D-92306 Neumarkt Tel. 09181 906-0 www.dehn.de info@dehn.de POWER SUPPLY SYSTEMS DEHNguard? T / DEHNguard? T FM SPDs Type 2 UDG T 385 Dimension drawing UDG T ... Basic circuit diagram UDG T ... UDG T ...: Single-pole, pluggable surge arrester, consisting of a base part and plug-in protection module High discharge ca
大?。?span class="single-tag-height">18KB
頁數(shù): 1頁
電涌保護器 - Ⅰ級電涌保護器 - Ⅱ級電涌保護器 - Ⅲ級其它 ( 防雷箱) Asafe-15 Asafe-25 Asafe-50 Asafe-NPE AM2-40 AM3-20 AM3-20/2 AM3-20/1+NPE AM3-20/3 AM3-20/2+NPE AM3-20/4 AM3-20/3+NPE PPS-B160-3CF4 PPS-B140-3BF4 PPS-B120-3CF4 AM1-160 AM1-120 AM1-NPE AM2-40/2 AM2-40/1+NPE AM-24DC AM-48DC AM-75DC PPS-C080-3CF4 PPS-C040-3DF0 PPS-C040-1DF0 PPS-C020-3DF0 PPS-C020-1DF0 AM1-80 AM-NPE AM2-40/3 AM2-40/2+NPE AM3-05D-75 AM3-05D-110 AM