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頁數(shù): 33頁
Buil ding i ndustry opens up new w orld of e ntrepreneurial str uggle to buil d a three provinces of regional central citi es--in t he Communist x counties the six ple nary session members a nd comrades: toda y, I was commissioned by t he County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports t o the Ge ner al Assembl y. Consideration of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrades atte ndi ng advice.
頁數(shù): 33頁
Buil ding i ndustry opens up new w orld of e ntrepreneurial str uggle to buil d a three provinces of regional central citi es--in t he Communist x counties the six ple nary session members a nd comrades: toda y, I was commissioned by t he County party Committee Standi ng Committee, reports t o the Ge ner al Assembl y. Consideration of all members a nd alter nates, a nd comrades atte ndi ng advice.