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頁數: 7頁
石磚運用鑒賞——木紋石磚 Wooden grain stone 木紋石磚以其獨有的紋路以及美感聞名于世。 哲學家赫拉克利特 說過,“人不能踏入同一條 河流?!奔蚊滥醽喪u今天要說的是, “木紋石磚沒有完全同樣的紋路”而這, 也正是其成為 設計界寵兒的原因。讓我們看看是否真的如此? Wooden grain stone are famous by its beautiful veins and unique quality. The philosopher Heraclitus said, "people can't step into the same river." Today, Camlia say, wooden grains stone are all different. This is why it become designer ’s lover. Let’s see.