頁數: 38頁
焊接閱讀英漢對照 1 heat input 熱輸入 Improvement of HAZ Toughness in High Strength Steels under High Heat Input 采用細小貝氏體改進大線能量高強度鋼板的熱影響區(qū) (HAZ)韌性 Effect of heat input on structure and mechanical properties of welded joint in a SOOMPa grade RFC steel 熱輸入對 800MPa 級鋼接頭組織及性能的影響 Microstructure of large heat input welding steels with low susceptivity to weld cracking 大線能量低 焊接裂紋敏感性鋼的顯微組織 Development of fire-res
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頁數: 8頁
1 The bridge crack has the reason brief analysis Author: Order In recent years, our province transportation infrastructure obtained the swift and violent development, each place has constructed the massive concrete bridge. In the bridge construction and the use process, concerns because of appears the crack but to affect the project quality even to lead the report common occurence which the