Publisher's Note. Foreword. Preface. Advisory Board. SubjectEditors. Acknowledgments. Timeline. Introduction: IntegratingPerformance and Poetics. A New Generation of Architectural Graphic.Model Case Study: Genzyme. Situating Ramsey and Sleeper: AGenealogy of. A Short History of Detailing. SECTION 1: BUILDINGELEMENTS. 1. Element A. Substructure. Introduction. Soils and SoilsExplorations. Soils Definitions, Terms And Classifications. SoilStudies And Reports. Geographic Variations. Climatic FoundationIssues. Seismic Foundation Issues. Foundations. General.Settlements and Differential Settlements. Standard Foundations.Shallow Foundations. Deep Foundations. Special Foundations.Foundations for Individual Building Types. Seismic Base Isolation.Underpinning and Foundation Reinforcing. Slab-On-Grade. BasementConstruction. Basement Excavation. Basement Walls. Case Studies. 2.Element B. Shell. Introduction. General Information. Climate andEnergy. Sustainability And Energy. Recommended Reading.Superstructure. Floor Construction. Roof Construction. Fireproofingand Firestopping. Exterior Enclosure. Exterior Walls. ExteriorWindows. Doors. Roofing. Steep Slope Roofing. Low Slope Roofing.Drainage. Flashing. Roof and Parapet Expansion Joints. Skylights,Scuttles, And Vents. Roof Detailing. Case Studies. 3. Element C.Interiors. Introduction. Interior Construction. Partitions. Walland Corner Guards. Interior Doors. Fireplaces and Stoves. SpecialRoom Construction. Stairs. Concrete Stairs. Metal Stairs. SteelStairs. Wood Stairs. Alternate Stair Types. Treads, Risers, andNosings. Interior Finishes. Wall Finishes. Floor Finishes. CeilingFinishes. Case studies. 4. Element D. Services. Introduction.Conveying. Design Considerations. Elevator Systems. Escalators andMoving Walks. Material Conveyors. Chutes and Dumbwaiters. Plumbing.Design Considerations. Plumbing Fixtures. Plumbing System Types.Plumbing System Pipes and Valves. Potable Water DistributionSystem. Sanitary and Waste Drainage Systems. Stormwater DrainageSystems. Typical Building Water and Gas Service. Other PlumbingSystems. Case studies. 5. Element E. Equipment and Furnishings.Introduction. Equipment. Commercial Equipment. InstitutionalEquipment. Vehicular Equipment. Other Equipment. Furnishings. FixedFurnishings. Furniture and Accessories. Case studies. 6. Element F.Special Construction and Demolition. Introduction. SpecialConstruction . Special Structures. Integrated Construction. SpecialConstruction Systems. Special Facilities. Special Controls andInstrumentation. Selective Building Demolition. Building ElementsDemolition. Hazardous Components Abatement. Case Studies. 7.Element G. Building Sitework. Introduction. Site Preparation.Embankment Stabilization. Site Improvement. Porous Pavements.Parking Lots. Pedestrian Paving. Site Development. Landscaping.Site Civil/Mechanical Utilities. Subsurface Drainage Systems.Surface Drainage Systems. Runoff Control Systems. Manholes, Inlets,and Catch Basins. Site Electrical Utilities. Site Lighting. CaseStudies. SECTION 2: MATERIALS. 8. CONCRETE. Introduction. ConcreteForms and Accessories. Economy Of Concrete Formwork. ConcreteFormwork for Columns And Footings. Concrete Formwork for Walls.Concrete Formwork for Slabs And Beams. Concrete Formwork Hardware.Concrete Reinforcement. Reinforcing Bars and Wire. Placement OfSteel Reinforcement. Cast-In-Place Concrete. Concrete Admixtures.Supplementary Cementitious Materials (Scm). Concrete Surfaces,Finishes, and Integral Color. Concrete Surfaces: Defect Prevention,Repair, Coatings, and Treatments. 9. Masonry. Introduction. MasonryMortar. Mortar and Grout. Masonry Accessories. Anchorage AndReinforcement. Masonry Ties. Masonry Accessories and Related Items.Masonry Movement Joints. Lintels. Masonry Units. Unit Masonry. ClayMasonry Units. Concrete Masonry Units. Columns, Pilasters, andBeams. Masonry Arches. Structural Facing Tile: Wall Sections andProperties. Glass Unit Masonry. Glass Block: Design Data. GlassBlock Details. Stone. Stone Uses and Properties. Stone MasonryPatterns and Veneer. Stone Details' Residential. 10. Metals.Introduction. Metal Materials. Properties of Metals. Finishes onMetals. Metal Fastenings. Structural Welds. Welds and WeldingSymbols. Metal Fabrications. W And M Steel Shapes. S, HP, C, MC,And L Steel Shapes. Structural Cut From W And S Shapes.Miscellaneous Metal Angles, Tees, Zees, and Channels. Metal Tubingand Pipes. Gratings. Ornamental Metal. Ornamental Ironwork Details.Perforated Metals. Perforated and Sheet Metals. Steel Sheets,Coils, and Plates. 11. Wood. Introduction. Overview. Designing withWood. Wood Treatment. Wood Preservatives. Fire-Retardant TreatedWood. Fastenings. Wood Adhesives. Nails. Shields and Anchors.Sheathing. Plywood Design Data. Plywood Panel Types. Wall and RoofSheathing. Plywood Subflooring on Wood Framing. Plywood SheathingFor Roofs and Soffits. Oriented Strand Board. ArchitecturalWoodwork. Interior Wall Paneling Details. Interior Wood Trim andMoldings. Panel Products and Wood Veneers. Panel Products and WoodVeneers. SECTION 3: ISSUES OF CONTEMPORARY PRACTICE. 12.Sustainable Design. Framework Of Good Design: Principles AndProcess. Flows in Nature. Healthy Ecosystems. Healthy Materials.Healthy Community Design. Healthy Buildings. Metrics. 13. InclusiveDesign. Introduction. Universal Design. Seven Principles ofUniversal Design. Emergent Principles:. Visitability. BasicRequirements. Conclusion. Accessible Design. Codes, Laws, andRegulations. Ada and Fhaa Design Requirements. Federal LegislativeProcess. Building Blocks. Reach Ranges for Accessibility.Protruding Objects in Circulation Paths. Accessible Routes andWalking Surfaces. Curbs And Parking. Accessible Ramps. Elevators.Wheelchair Lifts and Stair Lifts. Accessible Doors. AccessibleCommunications Features. Accessible Toilets and Bathrooms.Accessible Residential Bathrooms. Accessible Residential Kitchens.Fair Housing Amendments Act. History, Purpose, and Scope. SevenDesign Requirements. Contrasting Examples. Example 1: Harold WayApartments, Hollywood California. Example 2: Affordable RentalHousing, Northern California. 14. Computing Technologies.Introduction. Computer-Aided Design/Computer-Aided Manufacturing(CAD/CAM). Real-World Examples. The Design Environment. TheManufacturing Environment. Cnc Machine Control and Operation.Manufacturing Application Environments. Building InformationModeling (Bim). How Bim Overcomes the Limitations Of Cad. Bim AndRelated Technologies. Interoperability and the IFC Building Model.15. Architectural Research. Appendices. A. Climate. B. SolarRadiation And Building Orientation. C. Thermal Transmission. D.Human Dimensions. E. Mobility Aids. F. Construction Information. G.Cad Standards. H. Graphic Symbols. I. Using The Metric System. J.Building Security. K. Classical Architectural Elements. L.Geometry. M. Mathematical Data. N. Structural Calculations. O.Professional Associations and Institutes Directory. Index. 2100433B

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文物目錄檢索柜(目錄柜) 1、專業(yè)定制文物目錄檢索柜(目錄柜)2、規(guī)格:W800×D400×H1800|1個(gè) 1 查看價(jià)格 成都東凌辦公家具有限公司 四川   2019-10-31
圖形編輯模塊 Graphic Editor|1014個(gè) 2 查看價(jià)格 施耐德電氣(中國(guó))投資有限公司 北京  北京市 2015-10-30
圖形編輯模塊 Graphic Editor|6536個(gè) 2 查看價(jià)格 施耐德電氣(中國(guó))投資有限公司廣州分公司 廣東  廣州市 2015-08-19
標(biāo)準(zhǔn)電梯間目錄標(biāo)識(shí) 1.規(guī)格:340mm×1900mm×15mm;2.結(jié)構(gòu):1.5T×15×15鍍鋅方管焊接骨架;3.1.5T 304#不銹鋼激光切割,刨槽折彎焊接成型,面噴白色汽車啞光漆;4.圖文精工油墨絲網(wǎng)印刷300目;5.底座為T10配重底板;|55個(gè) 1 查看價(jià)格 廣州冠慶廣告有限公司 全國(guó)   2020-09-09
0.1mm厚標(biāo)準(zhǔn)建筑膜(3MIL單向透視防曬隔熱膜) 0.1mm厚標(biāo)準(zhǔn)建筑膜(3MIL單向透視防曬隔熱膜)|1500m2 2 查看價(jià)格 廣州卡為新型薄膜科技有限公司 廣西   2021-04-28
圖形顯示軟件 圖形顯示軟件|1套 1 查看價(jià)格 中投廣電(北京)電力設(shè)備有限公司 全國(guó)   2020-12-09
圖形監(jiān)控組態(tài)軟件 1.名稱:圖形監(jiān)控組態(tài)軟件2.詳技術(shù)標(biāo)準(zhǔn)|2套 1 查看價(jià)格 深圳市康斯達(dá)自動(dòng)化技術(shù)有限公司 四川   2018-01-18
粵港澳大灣區(qū)急需緊缺目錄 粵港澳大灣區(qū)急需緊缺目錄|1套 1 查看價(jià)格 廣州尚漢信息科技有限公司 全國(guó)   2022-01-07

Since 1932, the ten editions of Architectural Graphic Standards have been referred to as the "architect's bible." From site excavation to structures to roofs, this book is the first place to look when an architect is confronted with a question about building design. With more than 8,000 architectural illustrations, including both reference drawings and constructible architectural details, this book provides an easily accessible graphic reference for highly visual professionals.

To celebrate seventy-five years as the cornerstone of an industry, this commemorative Eleventh Edition is the most thorough and significant revision of Architectural Graphic Standards in a generation. Substantially revised to be even more relevant to today's design professionals, it features:

An entirely new, innovative look and design created by Bruce Mau Design that includes a modern page layout, bold second color, and new typeface

Better organized-- a completely new organization structure applies the UniFormat(r) classification system which organizes content by function rather than product or material

Expanded and updated coverage of inclusive, universal, and accessible design strategies

Environmentally-sensitive and sustainable design is presented and woven throughout including green materials, LEEDS standards, and recyclability

A bold, contemporary new package--as impressive closed as it is open, the Eleventh Edition features a beveled metal plate set in a sleek, black cloth cover

Ribbon Markers included as a convenient and helpful way to mark favorite and well used spots in the book

All New material

Thoroughly reviewed and edited by hundreds of building science experts and experienced architects, all new details and content including:

new structural technologies, building systems, and materials

emphasis on sustainable construction, green materials, LEED standards, and recyclability

expanded and updated coverage on inclusive, universal, and accessible design strategies

computing technologies including Building Information Modeling (BIM) and CAD/CAM

new information on regional and international variations

accessibility requirements keyed throughout the text

new standards for conducting, disseminating, and applying architectural research

New and improved details

With some 8,500 architectural illustrations, including both reference drawings and constructible architectural details, Architectural Graphic Standards continues to be the industry's leading, easily accessible graphic reference for highly visual professionals.

建筑圖形標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Architectural Graphic Standards目錄常見問(wèn)題

  • 【別墅】達(dá)爾基斯別墅/ Hillam Architects?

    親 你那里有沒有商業(yè)辦公住宅綜合體設(shè)計(jì)案例 和園林設(shè)計(jì)案例啊? 急需

  • white christmas


  • hitech超純水機(jī)價(jià)格怎樣

    of the golden bell with the

建筑圖形標(biāo)準(zhǔn) Architectural Graphic Standards目錄文獻(xiàn)

世界著名建筑Famousarchitectureintheworld收集資料 世界著名建筑Famousarchitectureintheworld收集資料



頁(yè)數(shù): 12頁(yè)

評(píng)分: 4.5

世界著名建筑 Famous architecture in the world. 1、巴黎四大建筑:(巴黎凱旋門 Triumphal Arch ,埃菲爾鐵塔 Eiffel Tower ,盧浮宮 Louvre 巴黎圣母院 Notre-Dame Cathedral) ①巴黎凱旋門 Triumphal Arch 凱旋門是歐洲紀(jì)念戰(zhàn)爭(zhēng)勝利的一種建筑。 The Triumphal Arch is the European memorial victory in the war of a building. 始建于古羅馬時(shí)期,當(dāng)時(shí)統(tǒng)治者以此炫耀自己的功 績(jī)。 Founded in ancient Rome period, then rulers to show off his own merits. 后為歐洲其他國(guó)家所效仿。 For other European countries aft

廣聯(lián)達(dá)建筑圖形算量(圖文教程) 廣聯(lián)達(dá)建筑圖形算量(圖文教程)


大?。?span id="muge7l1" class="single-tag-height">3.5MB

頁(yè)數(shù): 53頁(yè)

評(píng)分: 4.5

?????? 2 ??? ?? 1 ????????? ?????????????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????? 2 ?????????? ???????????????????? ?????????? ???????? ???????????????????????????????????? ?? 3 ????????? ???????? ??????? ????? ?? ??????? ??????? ???? ????????? ??? ??? ????? ?? ??????????? ??????? ?????????????????? ? ? ???? ?? ? ??



對(duì)液晶有所了解的消費(fèi)者,都知道液晶顯示器的性能和效果主要取決于所采用液晶面板的質(zhì)量,而對(duì)于液晶面板級(jí)別的劃分,相信很多人還不是很了解。就液晶面板的級(jí)別劃分來(lái)說(shuō),最頂尖的就是Medical級(jí)液晶面板,而緊接著就是Graphic圖形設(shè)計(jì)級(jí)的面板,其次就是許多品牌都會(huì)應(yīng)用的Data級(jí)和 Vision級(jí)液晶面板。

一般來(lái)說(shuō),Medical級(jí)的面板主要應(yīng)用于航天和醫(yī)療手術(shù)室方面,其性能效果雖然極好,但昂貴的價(jià)格成本也令許多消費(fèi)者望而止步,所以選擇這一級(jí)別的液晶面板的都是一些有特殊需要的用戶。由于該級(jí)別的液晶面板對(duì)廠商的生產(chǎn)技術(shù)都有一個(gè)極高的要求,所以目前就只有夏普全系列液晶中極個(gè)別型號(hào)(LL- T1620H/B、LL-T1820H/B、LL-T2020H/B)的液晶面板達(dá)到Medial級(jí)別要求。而僅于Medical級(jí)液晶面板的就是 Graphic(圖形設(shè)計(jì)級(jí))的面板,其主要面向圖形設(shè)計(jì)用戶,多用于專業(yè)的圖形設(shè)計(jì)方面。緊接在Graphic級(jí)液晶面板之后的,分別是很多品牌廠商都采用到的Data級(jí)和Vision級(jí)液晶面板了,由于這兩個(gè)級(jí)別的液晶面板的生產(chǎn)成本都低于Medical和Graphic級(jí)面板,所以得到很多的品牌廠商在15.1吋主流產(chǎn)品的選用。

新鮮出爐的A3是目前全球第一臺(tái)使用Graphic圖形級(jí)液晶面板的15.1吋主流液晶,綜合表現(xiàn)十分出色,超卓的性能完全能符合專業(yè)人士的苛刻要求。而且還揉合夏普賴以享譽(yù)全球的Black TFT(超黑晶)技術(shù),能最大限度地減少了外來(lái)光線在屏幕上造成的漫反射,無(wú)論任何惡劣的光線環(huán)境下使用,都不會(huì)出現(xiàn)反光反白,甚至是搶光的情況,其防反光,低眩光的處理效果令人十分滿意,即使在戶外或靠近窗戶強(qiáng)光照射的地方,也能呈現(xiàn)出鮮艷明亮的畫面,令人為之驚嘆。 sRGB國(guó)際標(biāo)準(zhǔn)色彩顯示規(guī)范。



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安徽省政采項(xiàng)目管理咨詢有限公司 數(shù)字景楓科技發(fā)展(南京)有限公司 懷化市人民政府電子政務(wù)管理辦公室 河北省高速公路京德臨時(shí)籌建處 中石化華東石油工程有限公司工程技術(shù)分公司 手持無(wú)線POS機(jī) 廣東合正采購(gòu)招標(biāo)有限公司 上海城建信息科技有限公司 甘肅鑫禾國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限公司 燒結(jié)金屬材料 齒輪計(jì)量泵 廣州采陽(yáng)招標(biāo)代理有限公司河源分公司 高鋁碳化硅磚 博洛尼智能科技(青島)有限公司 燒結(jié)剛玉磚 深圳市東海國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限公司 搭建香蕉育苗大棚 SF計(jì)量單位 福建省中億通招標(biāo)咨詢有限公司 泛海三江 威海鼠尾草 Excel 數(shù)據(jù)處理與分析應(yīng)用大全 廣東國(guó)咨招標(biāo)有限公司 甘肅中泰博瑞工程項(xiàng)目管理咨詢有限公司 山東創(chuàng)盈項(xiàng)目管理有限公司 當(dāng)代建筑大師 廣西北纜電纜有限公司 拆邊機(jī) 大山檳榔 上海地鐵維護(hù)保障有限公司通號(hào)分公司 甘肅中維國(guó)際招標(biāo)有限公司 舌花雛菊 華潤(rùn)燃?xì)猓ㄉ虾#┯邢薰? 湖北鑫宇陽(yáng)光工程咨詢有限公司 GB8163標(biāo)準(zhǔn)無(wú)縫鋼管 中國(guó)石油煉化工程建設(shè)項(xiàng)目部 韶關(guān)市優(yōu)采招標(biāo)代理有限公司 莎草目 建設(shè)部關(guān)于開展城市規(guī)劃動(dòng)態(tài)監(jiān)測(cè)工作的通知 電梯平層準(zhǔn)確度 廣州利好來(lái)電氣有限公司 四川中澤盛世招標(biāo)代理有限公司