中文名 | 變分法和最優(yōu)控制論 | 外文名 | Calculus of Variations and Optimal Control Theory a Concise Introduction |
作????者 | 利伯遜 (Daniel Liberzon) | 出版社 | 世界圖書出版公司北京公司 |
頁????數(shù) | 235頁 | 開????本 | 16 |
品????牌 | 世界圖書出版公司北京公司 | 類????型 | 科學(xué)與自然 |
出版日期 | 2013年10月1日 | 語????種 | 簡體中文, 英語 |
ISBN | 9787510061417 |
1 Introduction
1.1 Optimal control problem
1.2 Some background on finite-dimensional optimization
1.2.1 Unconstrained optimization
1.2.2 Constrained optimization
1.3 Preview of infinite-dimensional optimization
1.3.1 Function spaces, norms, and local minima
1.3.2 First variation and first-order necessary condition.
1.3.3 Second variation and second-order conditions
1.3.4 Global minima and convex problems
1.4 Notes and references for Chapter 1
Calculus of Variations
2.1 Examples of variational problems
2.1.1 Dido's isoperimetric problem
2.1.2 Light reflection and refraction
2.1.3 Catenary
2.1.4 Brachistochrone
2.2 Basic calculus of variations problem
2.2.1 Weak and strong extrema
2.3 First-order necessary conditions for weak extrema
2.3.1 Euler-Lagrange equation
2.3.2 Historical remarks
2.3.3 Technical remarks
2.3.4 Two special cases
2.3.5 Variable-endpoint problems
2.4 Hamiltonian formalism and mechanics
2.4.1 Hamilton's canonical equations
2.4.2 Legendre transformation
2.4.3 Principle of least action and conservation laws
2.5 Variational problems with constraints
2.5.1 Integral constraints
2.5.2 Non-integral constraints
2.5 Second-order conditions
2.5.1 Legendre's necessary condition for a weak minimum
2.5.2 Sufficient condition for a weak minimum
2.7 Notes and references for Chapter 2
3 From Calculus of Variations to Optimal Control
3.1 Necessary conditions for strong extrema
3.1.1 Weierstrass-Erdmann corner conditions
3.1.2 Weierstrass excess function
3.2 Calculus of variations versus optimal control
3.3 Optimal control problem formulation and assumptions
3.3.1 Control system
3.3.2 Cost functional
3.3.3 Target set
3.4 Variational approach to the fixed-time, free-endpoint problem
3.4.1 Preliminaries
3.4.2 First variation
3.4.3 Second variation
3.4.4 Some comments
3.4.5 Critique of the variational approach and preview of the maximum principle
3.5 Notes and references for Chapter 3
The Maximum Principle
4.1 Statement of the maximum principle
4.1.1 Basic fixed-endpoint control problem
4.1.2 Basic variable-endpoint control problem
4.2 Proof of the maximum principle
4.2.1 From Lagrange to Mayer form
4.2.2 Temporal control perturbation
4.2.3 Spatial control perturbation
4.2.4 Variational equation
4.2.5 Terminal cone
4.2.5 Key topological lemma
4.2.7 Separating hyperplane
4.2.8 Adjoint equation
4.2.9 Properties of the Hamiltonian
4.2.10 Transversality condition
4.3 Discussion of the maximum principle
4.3.1 Changes of variables
4.4 Time-optimal control problems
4.4.1 Example: double integrator
4.4.2 Bang-bang principle for linear systems
4.4.3 Nonlinear systems, singular controls, and Lie brackets
4.4.4 Fuller's problem
4.5 Existence of optimal controls
4.5 Notes and references for Chapter 4
The Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman Equation
5.1 Dynamic programming and the HJB equation
5.1.1 Motivation: the discrete problem
5.1.2 Principle of optimality
5.1.3 HJB equation
5.1.4 Sufficient condition for optimality
5.1.5 Historical remarks
5.2 HJB equation versus the maximum principle
5.2.1 Example: nondifferentiable value function
5.3 Viscosity solutions of the HJB equation
5.3.1 One-sided differentials
5.3.2 Viscosity solutions of PDEs
5.3.3 HJB equation and the value function
5.4 Notes and references for Chapter 5
6 The Linear Quadratic Regulator
6.1 Finite-horizon LQR problem
6.1.1 Candidate optimal feedback law
6.1.2 Riccati differential equation
6.1.3 Value function "and optimality
5.1.4 Global existence of solution for the RDE
5.2 Infinite-horizon LQR problem
6.2.1 Existence and properties of the limit
6.2.2 Infinite-horizon problem and its solution
5.2.3 Closed-loop stability
6.2.4 Complete result and discussion
6.3 Notes and references for Chapter 6
7 Advanced Topics
7.1 Maximum principle on manifolds
7.1.1 Differentiable manifolds
7.1.2 Re-interpreting the maximum principle
7.1.3 Symplectic geometry and Hamiltonian flows
7.2 HJB equation, canonical equations, and characteristics
7.2.1 Method of characteristics
7.2.2 Canonical equations as characteristics of the HJB equation
7.3 Piccati equations and inequalities in robust control
7.3.1 L2 gain
7.3.2 H∞ control problem
7.3.3 Riccati inequalities and LMIs
7.4 Maximum principle for hybrid control systems
7.4.1 Hybrid optimal control problem
7.4.2 Hybrid maximum principle
7.4.3 Example: light reflection
7.5 Notes and references for Chapter 7
Index 2100433B
作者:(美國)利伯遜(Daniel Liberzon)
地暖的選擇 1.長期居住型 對于長期居住的武漢裝修業(yè)主來說,家庭采暖時主要是從舒適和運(yùn)行成本來考慮。 2.不常住型 有些業(yè)主由于上班無規(guī)律,所以在家里居住的情況也不固定,這樣的情況家庭采暖需求要有明顯...
頁數(shù): 5頁
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頁數(shù): 未知
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中國人在彈性力學(xué)變分法的發(fā)明過程中也做出了重大貢獻(xiàn),彈性力學(xué)變分法準(zhǔn)確地說叫做 "胡海昌- 鷲津久一郎"變分法。由胡海昌和鷲津久一郎相互獨立地發(fā)明。
胡海昌. 彈性力學(xué)的變分原理及其應(yīng)用. 北京:科學(xué)出版社,1981年5月第1版
約翰·伯努利(Johann Bernoulli,1667-1748)1696年向全歐洲數(shù)學(xué)家挑戰(zhàn),提出一個難題:“設(shè)在垂直平面內(nèi)有任意兩點,一個質(zhì)點受地心引力的作用,自較高點下滑至較低點,不計摩擦,問沿著什么曲線下滑,時間最短?”
這就是著名的“最速降線”問題(The Brachistochrone Problem)。它的難處在于和普通的極大極小值求法不同,它是要求出一個未知函數(shù)(曲線),來滿足所給的條件。這問題的新穎和別出心裁引起了很大興趣,羅比塔(Guillaume Francois Antonie de l'Hospital 1661-1704)、雅可比·伯努利(Jacob Bernoulli 1654-1705)、萊布尼茨(Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz,1646-1716)和牛頓(Isaac Newton1642—1727)都得到了解答。約翰的解法比較漂亮,而雅可布的解法雖然麻煩與費勁,卻更為一般化。后來歐拉(Euler Lonhard,1707~1783)和拉格朗日(Lagrange, Joseph Louis,1736-1813)發(fā)明了這一類問題的普遍解法,從而確立了數(shù)學(xué)的一個新分支——變分學(xué)。2100433B
英文名稱:Calculus of Variations
學(xué)時/學(xué)分:30/1.5 (其中實驗學(xué)時:0學(xué)時)
主要參考書:《彈性力學(xué)》 徐芝綸編著高等教育出版社
《彈性和塑性力學(xué)的變分法》 鷲津久一郎著
《智能控制論》內(nèi)容簡介:智能控制論(intelligent cybemetics)研究生物與機(jī)器的智能控制過程的共同規(guī)律,是基于廣義智能、面向廣義控制的廣義智能控制理論,是控制論向智能水平高度發(fā)展的新分支。